The Energy Cluster of the Valencia Region attends the presentation of the Plan of impulse of the electric vehicle and deployment of the infrastructure of recharge in the Comunitat Valenciana

This morning, the Plan for the Impulse of the Electric Vehicle and the Deployment of the Infrastructure of the Recharge in the Region of Valencia were presented at the Administrative City 9 de Octubre, headquarters of the IVACE, running the presentation the conseller Mr. Rafael Climent and the director of the Valencian Institute for Business Competitiveness (IVACE) Ms Julia Company.

The plan is in line with the previously presented Sustainable Energy Plan of the Comunitat Valenciana 2020 PESCV2020, whose presentation took place in July of this same year.

The four strategic principles in which this plan is based are:

  • To promote the transition to a low carbon energy system based on indigenous renewable energy sources.
  • To optimize the energy consumption in the facilities of the Generalitat Administration improving its energy efficiency and incorporating renewable energy.
  • To prioritize self-consumption systems favoring their use in households, businesses and public administrations.
  • To promote the rational and efficient use of energy resources in the different economic sectors.

This plan emerges from these strategic principles, taking into account that the transport sector is the largest consumer of energy in the Region of Valencia, with 40% out of total consumption.

The Plan, which occupies 60 pages and has been delivered in the presentation in a USB stick, has the following structure:

  • Description of the current state of electric mobility in the Region of Valencia, comparing it with the situation at national level and with the leading European countries in electric mobility.
  • Description of the current state of the technology associated with electric mobility (vehicles and recharging stations), as well as the regulations associated with the facilities for recharging the electric vehicle and the main barriers to the deployment of the electric vehicle and associated infrastructure from the point of technological, social and legal view.
  • The main body of the document is the description of the objectives of the Plan, the deployment plan of the electric vehicle infrastructure, and the impulse measures that will be led by the regional administration to accompany the Plan.
  • Finally, it includes an economic analysis of the public and private investment necessary for the development of the Plan, the environmental and energy impact that would have in the Comunitat Valenciana the attainment of the objectives proposed in the Plan and a proposal of methodology of follow-up of the Plan based on a website associated with it and the online calculation of performance indicators.

The implementation of the Plan aims to promote the use of the electric vehicle, proposing three scenarios: in 2020, 2025 and 2030 in which an expected penetration of 7% would be reached, equivalent to 260,000 units, which would achieve a saving of 171.09 ktep in primary energy consumption, 99.86 ktoe in final energy consumption and decrease in CO2 emissions by 622.68 kTn.