The Energy Cluster of the CV participates in the international event GROWyourREGIOn

The Energy Cluster of the Valencia Region has participated in the international event GROWyourREGIOn to promote interregional cooperation through clusters.

The second edition of the European Conference Grow your Region took place in Valencia on 8th and 9th November 2017. An event that has been organized jointly by the Directorates General of the Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs and Policy Regional Office of the European Commission in collaboration with the Generalitat Valenciana

The conference sought to generate knowledge about the implementation and deployment of smart specialization strategies and especially the ways in which clusters have driven the growth of European regions.

The following question was posed: how could interregional smart collaboration be promoted through clusters and multiply the connections between value chains so that they generate benefits in the territories and cities of the EU?

The European Commission has given GROWyourREGIOn a very innovative and dynamic format, in such a way that it has enabled the participants to actively contribute, collaborate and co-create content. 

It has been emphasized the key role that clusters have in promoting cooperation between different regions, national and international and its dynamic effect on the sector and on companies.  

In fact, the General Director of Industry and SMEs Mr. Mario Buisán pointed out in the international event the key role played by the AEIs (Innovative Business Agencies) clusters in the promotion of regional, national and international cooperation and its dynamic effect in the sector and in the companies.

The Cluster has participated in the event holding bilateral meetings with European companies and clusters in order to seek alliances and beneficial collaborations for its members.

A very dynamic event, which has enjoyed excellent planning and organization, content, speakers, guests and animators, with final conclusions that will mark the road map of regional policies and clusters of the European Commission in the coming years.

A total of 300 representatives of companies and clusters have gathered at the international event.