Successful Conference on Biogas Installations promoted by the Cluster

Successful conference on Biogas Installations promoted by the Cluster with the help of the IVACE and the presence of its general director Mrs. Julia Company and the Head of Planning, Studies and Renewable Energies Mr. Joaquín P. Mas.

In the event have participated numerous companies involved in the sector, as well as and agricultural and livestock organizations and companies.

Biogas is a source of renewable energy, and globally represents one of the most sustainable energy resources with the greatest potential for growth.

There is no doubt about the current importance and above all the potential of biogas, which is already used by fleets of heavy vehicles as fuel, after the process of purification and conversion into methane, and even in some countries, biomethane is injected into the network of distribution of natural gas.

With the realization of the day it was intended to publicize the possibilities offered by anaerobic digestion as a system of treatment of organic waste generated in industry, livestock farms, services sector and households, through the energy assessment of these wastes, as well as the production of fertilizers

During the day, the current regulations, different technologies and applications were reviewed, as well as examples of installations carried out.

Gas Natural has highlighted the comprehensive energy services they offer, as well as the assets that make up the existing extensive network of Gas Natural. Inderen has shown the pioneering project in Spain designed and built by them, which constitutes the first biogas-photovoltaic hybrid isolated from the network. Genia Global Energy has reviewed the regulations applicable to biogas installations as well as the different existing technologies, and the Technological Institute of Energy (ITE) has reviewed the RICE2RICE project to assess the use of rice straw to obtain biogas.


Posteriormente hubo un coloquio donde se resolvieron las dudas y cuestiones que fueron planteadas por parte del público a los ponentes de la jornada.

La agenda del evento fue la siguiente:

En definitiva, una jornada muy interesante que ha contado con destacados conferenciantes y que ha congregado a cerca de 70 personas.

La prensa se ha hecho eco del éxito de la jornada, apareciendo en diversos medios, entre los que destacamos la publicación en VE-Valencia Económica ( y la publicación en Las Provincias (  Además, se está elaborando un reportaje que aparecerá en la cadena de TV La Sexta.